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Slim, Trim and Sassy Fitness with Angel

Naturally Motivated

Welcome to Slim, Trim and Sassy Mama Fitness with Angel Miley, my very own passion project filled with unique and engaging health and wellness content. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps I will ignite your own passions as well.


Welcome to Slim, Trim and Sassy Mama Fitness with Angel Miley

Just a Peek

What is it that fuels you? For me, it’s Slim, Trim and Sassy Mama Fitness with Angel Miley. I love writing about my passions, what interest me, what interests others, and sharing all of my thoughts with my readers.

Slim, Trim and Sassy Mama Fitness with Angel Miley is truly my own little passion project, gaining more and more traction each day. I hope you enjoy browsing my site and all of the unique content I have to offer. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover what fuels you as well. Read on and enjoy!

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The Full Story

WELCOME!! You may have found my page by happenstance, and I want to take a minute to introduce myself!
My name is Angel Miley!! I am wife to an amazing, handsome and supportive husband of 5 years, mommy to one handsome little boy who changed the course of my life the second he was born, and puppy mom to the cutest little Maltese IN THE WORLD. I STRIVE to provide for them the BEST life they could ever imagine!
BUT!! I wasn’t always this happy, content and excited about life! After marriage and baby, I felt lost. I no longer knew myself, or the person that I saw in the mirror. As I stood, looking at myself with no recognition of the person staring back at me, I realized that MY WHOLE life encompassed them and them alone. All I did was spend every waking moment trying to please my husband and my child, and my dog. I never spent any time working on or developing myself.
My fitness journey – I have spent the better part of a DECADE in and out of gyms and fitness clubs, WASTED hundreds of dollars on personal trainers. I’ve counted calories, counted points, counted carbs. I’ve dieted and (tried to) starve myself. NOTHING WORKED! I was working with people who didn’t actually care about me, my journey or my well-being. I went through highs and lows of setting goals that were TOO BIG to attain in a single hop, and then became so enamored with guilt and grief over my failures that I would QUIT. In the gym, I didn’t have the knowledge or the know how to keep progressively moving ONWARD and UPWARD. I had no self-esteem to speak of and ZERO confidence in myself.
That day, standing there looking myself in the mirror, trying to remember who I ever was and regain some semblance of the identity I left behind, I made a decision to change my MINDSET. I no longer told myself “I’ll try.” I now tell myself, “I will.” And I do.
Beachbody programs and Shakeology have changed my life as I know it, for the better. I think about that time in my life with gratitude, because without that “rock bottom” experience, I would never, yes NEVER, have found the person that I am today. As a full-time working mom it was hard for me to find time to go to the gym, and I knew that would never work for me. I NEEDED something that I could do AT HOME. I started out with a program that was 3 weeks long and 30 minutes a day. It came with a meal plan that I could actually follow. There was no calorie or carb counting. I didn’t have to memorize how many points a food was worth. It taught me HOW to eat mindfully and how large a serving size actually was. The program was FAST and EFFECTIVE. And it gave me the body I always wanted.  
CHANGING is HARD! Staying the same when you are unhappy is also HARD. As the saying goes, CHOOSE YOUR HARD. THAT day, I decided that I wanted to CHANGE more than I wanted to stay the same.
GOD put these obstacles in my path to overcome them, so I could learn how powerful and resilient I truly am. He wants me to find my paths and my direction, the reason that He saw fit to put me here. That reason is to repay in kind the blessings that I have received in these last few years; to help, to motivate, to assist, and to teach friends that I haven’t met yet everything that can be achieved by simply CHANGING YOUR MINDSET.
MY MISSION is to EMPOWER and CHALLENGE others, to not only continually meet and exceed fitness goals, but to also help them add more QUALITY and FULFILLMENT to their lives. I want to live the purpose-filled life that God has granted me with and use my past experiences to make an impact in the lives of others.
If you can relate to ME, my STORY, FAMILY, FAITH, FITNESS, and/or LIFESTYLE, if you’re a working mom struggling to make it through, I would love to take some time to get to know you! I LOVE meeting other like-minded people.
Click "FOLLOW" or send me a friend request & feel free to private message me on here.
Peace and love,

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