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Taking the Plunge into Coaching!

I have been on a journey for a while to get better, fitter, healthier and ultimately happier. Over the last few months, I really got serious about it. I started consistently eating better, exercising regularly and this has impacted my life and my mental health in so many ways! I joined a challenge group, where I found support, motivation and accountability unlike anything I was able to give myself. I totally fell in love with the team I joined, the support I was given, the programs (yes, plural: there is something for EVERYONE) and eating clean! After losing 15 pounds, trimming and toning, I've decided that I dont want to keep this a secret any longer! I want to help you learn to love yourself too, so I became a coach. My job is to help you reach your goals by providing customized support, keeping you motivated, and sharing what is working for me with you. ARE YOU WITH ME!? Are you ready and willing to take a leap of faith with me, to living a better lifestyle!? Are you going to let me help you stay MOTIVATED & ACCOUNTABLE to your health and fitness goals? I'll be right there beside you, to help you and guide you. You don't have to go it alone anymore! Please comment below or message me for more information!

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