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You have all that fruit, now what do you do with it?

So, you bought all of that fresh fruit during that AWESOME buy one get on FREE deal!? Now, what do you do with all of it? WELL, FRIENDS!!! I have the perfect plan:

Step 1: Soak the fruit in your sink in a mixture of 1 Cup Vinegar and approximately 1 gallon of water for about 30 minutes.

Step 2: Strain fruit and lay on a tea-towel, GENTLY pat to dry. (side note: don't use towels that you care about the appearance of, berries tend to stain.)

Step 3: Transfer from towel onto a wax / parchment paper lined tray.

Step 4: Put tray in freezer over night and VIOLA!

Step 5: Dump into a gallon plastic bag in the morning. and you have your fruit to savor and use for the next few weeks!

Frozen fruit can be kept in the freezer for up to 6 months. I recommend using it prior to that to avoid freezer-burn.

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